Big bucks this week
To provide you with comprehensive and reliable, stable and safe one-stop product services
Free Edition
  • DDOS Defense:50Gbps
  • CC Defense:20000QPS
  • Domain:2
  • Defense Port:2
  • Bandwidth:10Mbps
  • SSL:
  • Websocket:×
  • Network:single line
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Standard Edition
  • DDOS Defense:150Gbps
  • CC Defense:30000QPS
  • Domain:5
  • Defense Port:10
  • Bandwidth:50Mbps
  • SSL:
  • Websocket:×
  • Network:BGP/CN2
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Advanced Edition
  • DDOS Defense:400Gbps
  • CC Defense:50000QPS
  • Domain:10
  • Defense Port:20
  • Bandwidth:100Mbps
  • SSL:
  • Websocket:
  • Network:BGP/CN2
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Extreme Edition
  • DDOS Defense:600Gbps
  • CC Defense:15WQPS
  • Domain:50
  • Defense Port:50
  • Bandwidth:500Mbps
  • SSL:
  • Websocket:
  • Network:BGP/CN2
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Custom Edition
  • DDOS Defense:T-level Defense
  • CC Defense:Immune to 98% CC
  • Domain:custom
  • Defense Port:custom
  • Bandwidth:custom
  • SSL:
  • Websocket:
  • Network:BGP/CN2
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Free Edition
  • Number of IPs:1
  • Number of ports:2
  • Business bandwidth:30M
  • Protected domain:2
  • Protection bandwidth:50G
  • Network:single line
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Standard Edition
  • Number of IPs:1
  • Number of ports:4
  • Business bandwidth:100M
  • Protected domain:4
  • Protection bandwidth:200G
  • Network:BGP/CN2
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Advanced Edition
  • Number of IPs:2
  • Number of ports:6
  • Business bandwidth:100M
  • Protected domain:6
  • Protection bandwidth:300G
  • Network:BGP/CN2
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Extreme Edition
  • Number of IPs:8
  • Number of ports:20
  • Business bandwidth:100M
  • Protected domain:20
  • Protection bandwidth:400G
  • Network:BGP/CN2
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Custom Edition
  • Number of IPs:custom
  • Number of ports:custom
  • Business bandwidth:custom
  • Protected domain:custom
  • Protection bandwidth:custom
  • Network:BGP/CN2
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Free Edition
  • Game authorizations:2
  • Protective targets:15
  • Bandwidth:30M
  • Daily active terminals:30000
  • DDoS defense:Infinite Defense
  • CC attack defense:Infinite Defense
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Standard Edition
  • Game authorizations:10
  • Protective targets:50
  • Bandwidth:100M
  • Daily active terminals:90000
  • DDoS defense:Infinite Defense
  • CC attack defense:Infinite Defense
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Advanced Edition
  • Game authorizations:15
  • Protective targets:60
  • Bandwidth:150M
  • Daily active terminals:105000
  • DDoS defense:Infinite Defense
  • CC attack defense:Infinite Defense
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Custom Edition
  • Game authorizations:custom
  • Protective targets:custom
  • Bandwidth:custom
  • Daily active terminals:custom
  • DDoS defense:Infinite Defense
  • CC attack defense:Infinite Defense
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Intelligent attack data analysis to help enterprises secure cloud
Anti CDN Security for enterprises to create a set of distributed DDoS protection, CC protection, WAF protection, BOT behavior analysis as one of the security acceleration solutions. It provides user behavior insights, realizes the linkage of data and operational decisions, and drives the stable, safe and continuous growth of cloud business
Distributed DDOS
Attack monitoring and viewing
Smart WAF protection
  • 选项√Based on 1.0 experience, 2.0 intelligent CC determination and interception technology is heavily developed
  • 选项√Relying on CDN nodes throughout the country, malicious attack analysis, interception, diversion
  • 选项√It can resist SYN Flood, TCP Flood, ICMP Flood and other traffic attacks
  • 选项√Exclusive support for user attack feature behavior, queries, and analysis
  • 选项√Provide rich report viewing capabilities and support real-time monitoring and alerting of WAF and CC attacks
  • 选项√Supporting multi-dimensional chart analysis of the number, types, and sources of web attacks across the entire network
  • 选项√Based on a massive web attack sample library, feature matching for access
  • 选项√Effectively resist various web attacks such as SQL injection, XSS attacks, and local file inclusion
  • 选项√Create smarter threat recognition AI to accurately and effectively intercept web threats
Security insights for network-wide awareness

Today CC Number of attacks(once)

Today speedup flow (GB)

Today DDos Attack peak(Mbps)

Covering fields such as B2B, education, healthcare, finance, fast-moving consumer goods, high-end consumption, electronics, and tourism
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How to protect against ddos attacks

1. Traffic monitoring and analysis: Regularly monitor your network traffic for early detection of an...

Learn more
What should I do if I am attacked by ddo...

Implement traffic filtering: Use a firewall or specialized DDoS protection device to filter maliciou...

High Defense...

CDNS (content delivery networks) are usu...

How to prote...

1. Traffic monitoring and analysis: Regu...

How to forwa...

1. Obtain high-defense IP information: F...

Website is attacked how to deal with eff...

2. Countermeasures:3. Install a trusted antivirus and anti-malware program.4. Update the operating s...

Why frequent...

DDoS is a household word in security cir...

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