【Secure Accelerated CDN】Free Edition
  • DDOS Defense:50Gbps
  • CC Defense:20000QPS
  • Domain:2
  • Defense Port:2
  • Bandwidth:10Mbps
  • SSL:√
  • Websocket:×
  • Network:single line
【Secure Accelerated CDN】Standard Edition
  • DDOS Defense:150Gbps
  • CC Defense:30000QPS
  • Domain:5
  • Defense Port:10
  • Bandwidth:50Mbps
  • SSL:√
  • Websocket:×
  • Network:BGP/CN2
【Secure Accelerated CDN】Advanced Edition
  • DDOS Defense:400Gbps
  • CC Defense:50000QPS
  • Domain:10
  • Defense Port:20
  • Bandwidth:100Mbps
  • SSL:√
  • Websocket:√
  • Network:BGP/CN2
【Secure Accelerated CDN】Extreme Edition
  • DDOS Defense:600Gbps
  • CC Defense:15WQPS
  • Domain:50
  • Defense Port:50
  • Bandwidth:500Mbps
  • SSL:√
  • Websocket:√
  • Network:BGP/CN2
【Secure Accelerated CDN】Custom Edition
  • DDOS Defense:T-level Defense
  • CC Defense:Immune to 98% CC
  • Domain:custom
  • Defense Port:custom
  • Bandwidth:custom
  • SSL:√
  • Websocket:√
  • Network:BGP/CN2
【Advanced anti IP forwarding】Free Edition
  • Number of IPs:1
  • Number of ports:2
  • Business bandwidth:30M
  • Protected domain:2
  • Protection bandwidth:50G
  • Network:single line
【Advanced anti IP forwarding】Standard Edition
  • Number of IPs:1
  • Number of ports:4
  • Business bandwidth:100M
  • Protected domain:4
  • Protection bandwidth:200G
  • Network:BGP/CN2
【Advanced anti IP forwarding】Advanced Edition
  • Number of IPs:2
  • Number of ports:6
  • Business bandwidth:100M
  • Protected domain:6
  • Protection bandwidth:300G
  • Network:BGP/CN2
【Advanced anti IP forwarding】Extreme Edition
  • Number of IPs:8
  • Number of ports:20
  • Business bandwidth:100M
  • Protected domain:20
  • Protection bandwidth:400G
  • Network:BGP/CN2
【Advanced anti IP forwarding】Custom Edition
  • Number of IPs:custom
  • Number of ports:custom
  • Business bandwidth:custom
  • Protected domain:custom
  • Protection bandwidth:custom
  • Network:BGP/CN2
【web application firewall】Advanced Edition
  • Domain:1 main domains and 9 sub domains
  • Protective port:Standard and non-standard ports
  • Bandwidth:50Mbps
  • Request:2,000QPS
  • CC protection peak:100,000QPS
【web application firewall】Enterprise Edition
  • Domain:3 main domains and 27 sub domains
  • Protective port:Standard and non-standard ports
  • Bandwidth:100Mbps
  • Request:5,000QPS
  • CC protection peak:300,000QPS
【web application firewall】Flagship Edition
  • Domain:5 main domains and 45 sub domains
  • Protective port:Standard and non-standard ports
  • Bandwidth:200Mbps
  • Request:10,000QPS
  • CC protection peak:1,000,000QPS
【web application firewall】Custom Edition
  • Domain:custom
  • Protective port:Standard and non-standard ports
  • Bandwidth:custom
  • Request:custom
  • CC protection peak:custom
【SDK Shield】Free Edition
  • Game authorizations:2
  • Protective targets:15
  • Bandwidth:30M
  • Daily active terminals:30000
  • DDoS defense:Infinite Defense
  • CC attack defense:Infinite Defense
【SDK Shield】Standard Edition
  • Game authorizations:10
  • Protective targets:50
  • Bandwidth:100M
  • Daily active terminals:90000
  • DDoS defense:Infinite Defense
  • CC attack defense:Infinite Defense
【SDK Shield】Advanced Edition
  • Game authorizations:15
  • Protective targets:60
  • Bandwidth:150M
  • Daily active terminals:105000
  • DDoS defense:Infinite Defense
  • CC attack defense:Infinite Defense
【SDK Shield】Custom Edition
  • Game authorizations:custom
  • Protective targets:custom
  • Bandwidth:custom
  • Daily active terminals:custom
  • DDoS defense:Infinite Defense
  • CC attack defense:Infinite Defense
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